Rx: Renounce raw conceit; find notes, morphine and pennies.
Refer neurosurgery
Reexamine CNS often
Chart BP, pupils, GCS
Fluids: SBP >160 (HHT = hypertensive hypervolaemic therapy... because hypotension causes vasospasm).
Nimodipine. Start by day 4 (asap on diagnosis!) till day 21 - three weeks.
Morphine + laxatives (opiates cause constipation).
Angiography: Sensitivity: 4 vessel angiography > CTA > MRA
Procedures: Clipping (craniotomy) or coiling (endovascular).
- Angiogram: Sensitivity - 4 vessel angiography > CTA > MRA. CT detects >90% of SAHs.
- LP: If CT negative and no c/i >12h after headache onset.
Early CSF uniformly bloody; later CSF shows xanthochromia.
- Thunderclap headache, vomiting, collapse, seizures, coma, neck stiffness, Kernig's sign, retinal or subhyaloid haemorrhage.
- Focal signs at presentation may suggest site of aneurysm (e.g. pupil change suggests CNIII palsy suggests PCA aneurysm).
- Sentinal headache due to small warning leak from the offending aneurysm.
DD of thunderclap headache = D SUMMIT V
Dissection of carotid/vertebral artery
Unknwon cause
Intracerebral bleed
Thrombosis cortical vein
Valsalva maneuvre
- Rebleed.
- Vasospasm à stroke.
- Hydrocephalus.
- Hyponatraemia.
⅓ die immediately.
⅓ die within 1m from vasospasm or rebleed.
⅓ survive with or without neurological problems.
Grade I = No signs = 0% mortality.
Grade II = Necks stiffness, CN palsies = 11%.
Grade III = Drowsiness = 37%.
Grade IV = Drowsiness + hemiplegia = 71%.
Grade V = Prolonged coma = 100%.
Aneurysm rupture 80%.
Risk factors
Smoking, hypertension, mycotic aneurysm, alcohol, bleeding disorder, low oestrogen (post-menopause).
Berry aneurysms are associated with:
- Polycystic kidneys.
- Coarctation of aorta.
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
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