Saturday 22 January 2011


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS (50% - Stephen Hawking)
  • Lesion: Motor cortex and ant horn spinal cord
  • U or L: Both
  • Muscles: All, distal and proximal.
  • Pyramidal features: May predominate.
Progressive bulbar palsy PBP (10%)
  • Lesion: CN 9-12. Often progresses to ALS.
  • U or L: --
  • Muscles: Tongue, palate, pharyngeal.
  • Pyramidal features: May be present.
Progressive muscular atrophy PMA (10%)
  • Lesion: Ant horn cells only
  • U or L: LMN only
  • Muscles: Distal limb muscles before proximal.
  • Pyramidal features: --
Primary lateral sclerosis PLS
  • Lesion: Betz cells in the motor cortex.
  • U or L: Mainly UMN.
  • Muscles: Spastic leg weakness and pseudobulbar.
  • Pyramidal features: --

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